How to Grill Pork Steaks: The Definitive Guide

How to grill pork steaks is a common query for BBQ lovers and home cooks. High heat, correct temperature, and prime pork cuts from the shoulder or ‘Boston butt’ can transform this meat into a tender and juicy masterpiece. Unlike regular pork chops, pork steaks elevate your grilling game, whether on a gas or charcoal grill.

Part of the artistry in grilling pork steaks involves the right blend of ingredients for your marinade or dry rub. This extra touch enhances the pork’s natural succulence, creating an irresistible flavor profile. Alongside this, the aid of a reliable meat thermometer is essential, taking the guesswork out of the process and ensuring your steaks achieve the perfect internal temperature.

how to grill pork steaks

In this article, Soup’s Sports Grill delves deep into the art of grilling pork steaks. We’ll share top-secret recipes, recommend the best sauces, and provide valuable tips to achieve the ultimate BBQ experience. Whether for a family dinner or a classic St. Louis BBQ feast, this guide is your ticket to grilling excellence.

How to Grill Pork Steaks: The Detailed Breakdown

The intricate art of grilling pork steaks involves a plethora of factors, each equally critical in achieving the perfect BBQ feast. Let’s dive into each step, discussing the finer details and tips for each phase of grilling your pork steaks.

Choosing the Pork Steaks

The very first step to a delicious grilled pork steak is selecting the right cut of meat. Your choice plays a substantial role in the resulting flavor, juiciness, and tenderness of the dish. The pork shoulder, or ‘Boston butt,’ is the ideal cut due to its beautiful marbling, contributing to a melt-in-your-mouth steak.

While choosing your pork steaks, look for ones that boast a consistent pink color with ample white marbling. This marbling enhances flavor and tenderness. The ideal thickness is about 1 to 1.5 inches – this ensures they retain their juiciness while being grilled to perfection. It’s also worth considering the source of your meat; locally sourced, organic pork may offer superior taste and texture.

Preparing the Pork Steaks

After you have your perfect pork steaks, the preparation begins. Start with a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper on each side. Following this, you can apply either a marinade or a dry rub, depending on your palate. Marinades can infuse the steaks with moisture and flavors, while a dry rub can form a delectably crispy crust.

how long grill pork steaks

If a marinade is your choice, allow the steaks to soak in it for at least an hour, letting the flavors seep into the meat. On the other hand, a dry rub can be applied just before the steaks hit the grill. Remember, every ingredient you add during the preparation will layer up to create the final taste.

Grilling the Pork Steaks: Step-by-Step

Here’s the detailed, step-by-step guide to grilling your pork steaks to perfection. By following these steps carefully, you’ll be able to serve delicious, juicy pork steaks straight off the grill.

  1. Preheat the Grill: Start by preheating your grill to a low-medium heat. This temperature is ideal for pork steaks as it allows them to cook through without burning on the outside. Remember, the goal is a slow and steady cook to ensure tender, juicy pork steaks.
  2. Prepare the Steaks: While your grill is preheating, get your pork steaks ready. If you’ve marinated your steaks, remove them from the marinade and gently pat them dry. Give the steaks a good coating if you’re using a dry rub.
  3. Grill the Steaks: Once your grill is ready, it’s time to cook. Place your pork steaks on the grill, ensuring they are not too close together to allow for even cooking. Now, the detailed grilling process begins. Grill on a covered grill over low-medium heat for 20-25 minutes per side, basting occasionally with an optional basting liquid. The low-medium heat allows the steaks to cook evenly, while the cover helps to retain heat and smoke that adds to the flavor.
  4. Check the Temperature: After grilling for the recommended time, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of your steaks. You’re aiming for an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit for a perfectly cooked pork steak.
  5. Rest and Serve: Once the steaks are cooked to the right temperature, remove them from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes. This resting time allows the juices to redistribute within the steak, making it more flavorful and juicy. After resting, your pork steaks are ready to serve.
  6. Final Touches: As a final step, consider adding a sprinkle of extra dry rub or drizzling a bit more BBQ sauce over the top of your steaks before serving. This will add an extra punch of flavor that your guests will love.

Grilling the Pork Steaks

Resting and Serving

Grilled to perfection, your pork steaks are nearly ready to be devoured. But first, allow them to rest for a few minutes after they come off the grill. Resting facilitates the redistribution of the juices throughout the steak, making every bite moist and flavorful. As the final touch before serving, add a sprinkle of dry rub or some BBQ sauce for an added burst of flavor.

Be it a simple family dinner or a full-fledged St. Louis BBQ feast, these meticulously grilled pork steaks are sure to impress. Follow these detailed steps, factor in the tips, and you’re all set to examine your way to pork steak perfection.

Essential Tools for Grilling Pork Steaks

Grilling pork steaks requires more than just the right cut of meat and your favorite seasoning or marinade. To grill like a pitmaster, you’ll need an assortment of essential grilling tools. Here’s a comprehensive list of the tools and equipment that can elevate your grilling game.


Choosing the right grill is the first step towards achieving the perfect grilled pork steaks. A gas grill offers the convenience of easy temperature control, making it great for beginners. On the other hand, a charcoal grill imparts a distinct smoky flavor that’s a favorite among BBQ lovers. Your choice depends on your personal preference and the flavor profile you want for your pork steaks.

Meat Thermometer

A meat thermometer is an indispensable tool for any grilling session. It helps ensure your pork steaks reach the ideal internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, which is crucial for both food safety and perfect doneness. Choose an instant-read thermometer for fast and accurate readings.

how to season pork steak

Grill Tongs and Spatula

When it comes to handling your pork steaks on the grill, long-handled tongs and a spatula are your best friends. They allow you to safely flip and move your steaks on the hot grill without getting too close to the heat. Look for tools with heat-resistant handles for added safety.

Grill Brush

Maintaining the cleanliness of your grill grates is essential for optimal grilling results. A grill brush helps remove food residues that could otherwise interfere with the even distribution of heat on your steaks. Regular cleaning of the grill grates also helps preserve the flavors of your pork steaks.

Basting Brush

If your recipe calls for basting your pork steaks during grilling, a basting brush is a must-have tool. This handy utensil allows you to evenly distribute your marinade or sauce over the steaks as they cook. Opt for a brush with heat-resistant bristles and a long handle for easy and safe application.

Grill Basket

While not necessary for grilling pork steaks specifically, a grill basket can be handy if you’re also grilling smaller food items or veggies. This tool prevents small pieces from falling through the grill grates. It’s an excellent addition to your grilling toolset if you often grill a variety of foods at once.

pork steaks on grill how long

Heat Resistant Gloves

Grilling involves working with high heat, making safety a top priority. Heat-resistant gloves provide essential protection for your hands while ensuring you can still handle your grilling tools effectively. Choose gloves that offer a good balance of protection, dexterity, and comfort.

Cutting Board and Knife

Once your pork steaks are perfectly grilled and rested, you’ll need a cutting board and a sharp knife for serving. The cutting board provides a safe and clean surface for slicing your steaks, while a good-quality knife ensures clean, easy cuts. Having these tools at hand will make the serving process smoother and more enjoyable.

Each of these tools plays a vital role in achieving the perfect grilled pork steaks. By equipping your grilling station with these essentials, you’ll be well on your way to serving up delicious, perfectly grilled pork steaks every time.

What Temperature Do You Grill Pork Steaks At?

The temperature at which you grill pork steaks is crucial to achieving the desired texture and flavor. Preheat your grill to 300 degrees using direct heat. Once your grill has reached this temperature, it’s time to place the pork steaks directly on the grate on the grill.

grilling pork steak on gas grill

Once on the grill, close the grill lid to keep the heat circulating around the steaks, creating a more even and efficient cooking environment. To ensure the pork steaks cook evenly, flip the steaks every 30 minutes. This consistent turning will help the steaks cook thoroughly and evenly, contributing to a better flavor and texture.

Your pork steaks are done when they reach an internal temperature of around 170 degrees. To accurately check the internal temperature, use a meat thermometer. Insert it into the thickest part of the steak, ensuring not to touch any bones, as this can give an inaccurate reading. Once your steaks reach this temperature, they are ready to be taken off the grill, rested, and served. Remember, proper temperature management is key to grilling perfect pork steaks.

How Long Do You Grill Pork Steaks?

The time it takes to grill pork steaks largely depends on the thickness of the steaks and the temperature of the grill. Typically, for a medium-thick pork steak, you’d want to grill on a covered grill over low-medium heat for 20-25 minutes per side.

This slow, consistent cooking allows the heat to penetrate the center of the steak, ensuring a juicy, well-cooked result. It’s also a good practice to baste the steaks occasionally with your chosen basting liquid during this process. Basting helps to keep the meat moist and can also add extra flavor.

pork steak recipes grilled

After this initial grilling period, it’s time to finish off your pork steaks. To get a great char and imbue the steaks with that signature barbecue flavor, grill the pork steaks for an additional 3-4 minutes per side over direct heat. This higher, direct heat helps to caramelize any sauces or marinades on the surface of the meat, adding extra flavor and texture.

Don’t forget to brush the steaks generously with barbecue sauce on each side during this final stage of grilling. The sauce will stick to the hot steaks, creating a delicious, sticky glaze that’s sure to impress. All in all, with the preparation and cooking process combined, you’ll spend about an hour grilling your pork steaks to perfection.

How Often Do You Flip Pork Steaks On The Grill?

Flipping pork steaks on the grill is an essential step to ensure even cooking. Contrary to what many people believe, frequent flipping isn’t a bad thing. In fact, for grilling pork steaks, we recommend flipping them every 30 minutes. This practice helps the heat distribute evenly through the steak, leading to a more consistent internal temperature and reducing the chance of overcooking one side.

grilled pork steak recipes

The goal is to cook the pork steaks until they reach an internal temperature of around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is a safe bet for pork, ensuring that it’s fully cooked, while still being juicy and tender. Depending on the thickness of your steaks and the heat of your grill, reaching this internal temperature will generally take approximately 1.5-2 hours of cooking time.

Remember, the key to perfect pork steaks is patience. Allow the heat to do its work, and be diligent with your flipping. You’ll be rewarded with perfectly grilled pork steaks that are well worth the wait.

Additional Tips for Grilling Pork Steaks

When grilling pork steaks, there are several additional tips and tricks that can help enhance the flavor and ensure a perfect result every time. Here’s a helpful table that breaks down these extra tips:

Tip Explanation
Marinade Your Steaks Marinating your pork steaks can significantly enhance their flavor. Use a marinade of your choice and let the steaks sit in it for at least a few hours, or even overnight for maximum flavor infusion.
Preheat the Grill Always preheat your grill before starting to cook. This helps to achieve a good sear on the steaks and also makes it less likely that they will stick to the grill grates.
Use Direct and Indirect Heat Start by searing the steaks on high heat, and then move them to a cooler part of the grill to finish cooking. This helps to get a good crust on the outside while ensuring the inside is perfectly cooked.
Don’t Overcrowd the Grill Give your steaks plenty of space on the grill. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and make it difficult to maneuver the steaks.
Let the Steaks Rest After grilling, let your pork steaks rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute within the steak, resulting in a juicier, more flavorful bite.

Implementing these additional tips can make the difference between good grilled pork steaks and great ones. Try incorporating them the next time you fire up the grill, and you’re sure to notice the improvement in your grilling skills and the delicious results.

FAQs About Grilling Pork Steaks

How to cook pork steaks on a gas grill?

Cooking pork steaks on a gas grill is quite straightforward. Just as with any other steak, preheat your grill before you start. Place your 2cm thick pork steak on the grill and cook it without turning for about 6 minutes. Then, flip it over and allow it to cook for another 2 minutes. This should give you a perfectly grilled pork steak.

Is it best to fry or grill pork steaks?

The best method depends on your preference and the number of people you serve. Pan-frying or griddling is quicker and works well for serving one or two people. However, if you’re cooking for more people, grilling or roasting can be more efficient and often imparts a deeper flavor.


How do you cook pork steaks so they are not tough?

Ensuring tender pork steaks begins with pre-cooking preparations. Take the steaks out of the fridge 15-30 minutes before cooking so they reach room temperature, which aids in even cooking. Baking the pork steak at 400F/200C for 20-25 minutes can also help maintain tenderness.

How long to grill 1-inch pork steaks?

Grilling times depend on the thickness of the steak and the desired level of doneness. Generally, a boneless pork chop that’s 1 inch thick should be grilled for a total of 6 to 8 minutes.


How do you know when pork steaks are done on the grill?

The best way to determine doneness is by using a meat thermometer. Medium-rare pork should reach an internal temperature of 145 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, while well-done pork should register at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

How long should pork steaks be cooked?

The length of cooking time depends on the thickness of the steak. On average, a pork steak should be fried on medium heat for about 6-7 minutes on each side.

Should you wrap pork steaks in foil?

Wrapping in foil can result in juicier, more tender pork steaks, particularly for cuts like brisket and pork shoulder. Just ensure you don’t overcook; these meats are best when they reach an internal temperature of 203 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why are my pork steaks tough?

Tough pork steaks often result from overcooking. Cooking pork even a few minutes longer than needed can dry it out and make it tough. Always keep an eye on your cooking time, and remember, it’s better to undercook and add more heat than overcook.

Do you put oil on pork steaks?

Yes, rubbing both sides of your pork steaks with olive oil is recommended before seasoning. The oil helps carry the flavors into the meat and aids in browning and crisping.

Do you rinse pork steaks before cooking?

It’s generally not recommended to rinse raw meats, including pork steaks, before cooking. Doing so can spread bacteria from the raw meat’s juices to other foods, utensils, and surfaces, creating a risk of cross-contamination.

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Conclusion for How to Grill Pork Steaks?

How to grill pork steaks might have seemed daunting before, but with the detailed breakdown and helpful hints shared in this article, we hope you’re now ready to impress everyone with your BBQ skills. From choosing the right cut of pork and properly preparing it, to ensure the perfect grilling time and temperature, to letting the meat rest before serving, each step plays a significant role in producing tender, juicy, and flavorful pork steaks.

Whether you’re a pitmaster or a beginner, remember that patience, practice, and a bit of creativity in seasoning and marinating are the secret ingredients to grilling the perfect pork steak. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy the process – after all, barbecuing is not just about the end result, but also about the joy of cooking outdoors, preferably in good company.

Feel ready to take on the challenge? Fire up your grill and get ready to create some mouth-watering pork steaks that will make you the star of any BBQ party. And once you’ve perfected your technique, don’t keep it to yourself – share this post with your friends, neighbors, market housewives, food enthusiasts, and others who might benefit from these grilling tips.

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